Cookies Policy

Information about cookies

Article 22.2 of Law 34/2002 allows the use of storage devices on users' equipment, provided they give their informed consent regarding their usage, particularly concerning the handling of personal data. This implies that cookies could be stored on your device.


1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that store and retrieve information while you're browsing the internet.

They serve various purposes, like remembering you as a user, gathering browsing habits, customizing content display, or enabling specific browsing options. You can delete cookies in your browser settings at any time.

2. Identification of the types of cookies used and their purposes:

This website uses cookies that enable the operation and provision of services offered through this site. You can find in the cookie table the identification of who uses the cookies.

NameTypeConservation periodOwner
_gaAnalytics2 YearsGoogle Analytics
_ga_YX34ZHL79YAnalytics2 YearsGoogle Analytics

Information on how to accept, deny, or revoke consent for the use of cookies is detailed through the functionalities provided on this website or through common platforms that may exist for this purpose. In the event that the publisher's cookie management or configuration system does not allow the avoidance of using third-party cookies once accepted by the user, this cookie policy provides information about tools provided by browsers and third parties. It warns the user that if they accept third-party cookies and later wish to delete them, they must do so through their own browser or the system enabled by the third parties. Note that if you accept third-party cookies, they should be removed through the browser's options or through the system offered by the third party.

You can review specific cookies by pressing F12 after accessing the website through the Google browser, then selecting the "Cookies" option located at the bottom.

Retention period

a) First-party cookies: during the session or for the duration indicated in the cookie table.

b) Third-party cookies: during their lifespan, managed by the third party.

Recipients: no others than the third-party owners of those cookies.

Legal basis: legitimate interest for first-party and technical cookies, consent for other types of cookies.

Additional information on data protection is available in the Privacy Policy of this website.

3. Cookie guide

Cookies exempted from information and consent requirements would be those that have the following purposes.

  • • Cookies that solely enable communication between the user and the network.
  • • Cookies strictly providing a service explicitly requested by the user.
  • • “User input” cookies.
  • • User authentication or identification cookies (session-only).
  • • User security cookies.
  • • Multimedia player session cookies.
  • • Session cookies for load balancing.
  • • User interface customization cookies.
  • • Plug-in cookies for sharing social content, when the user has chosen to keep the session open.

Classification of cookies subject to information and consent, according to the report of the Spanish Data Protection Agency:

3.1. Types of cookies according to the entity that manages them:

First-party cookies: These are sent to the user's device from a server or domain controlled by the website owner and are used to provide the service requested by the user.

Third-party cookies: These cookies are sent to the user's device from a server or domain that is not controlled by the website owner but by another entity that processes data obtained through these cookies. Even though these cookies may be installed from a server or domain controlled by the website owner, if the information collected through them is managed by a third party for their own purposes, they are not considered as first-party cookies of the website owner.

Users can find information about transfers to third countries made by the third parties identified in this cookie policy by checking their respective cookie policies. It's important to note that if you accept third-party cookies, you should delete them using your browser's options or the system provided by the third party.

3.2. Types of cookies based on the duration they remain active on the user's device:

Session cookies: Designed to collect and store data while the user visits a website. They store relevant information only for the duration of the user's session and are used to provide the service requested on a single occasion. These cookies disappear once the browsing session ends.

Persistent cookies: They retain data on the user's device and can be accessed and processed for a duration defined by the cookie controller. This period can range from a few minutes to several years. For a cookie to be exempt from the requirement of informed consent, its expiration must be related to its purpose.

3.3. Types of cookies based on their purpose:

Technical cookies: They enable users to navigate and use services on a website, platform, or application. This includes managing traffic and data, identifying sessions, accessing restricted areas, remembering elements of orders and purchases, ensuring security, storing multimedia content, sharing on social networks, or managing advertising spaces (without gathering information for other purposes). These cookies do not require consent when essential for providing the service. However, if used for other purposes (such as behavioral advertising), information and consent are necessary.

Preference or customization cookies: They allow the storage of information to provide users access to a service with certain predefined general characteristics on their device. These characteristics might include language, browser type, or regional settings. If a user selects these features, for instance, by choosing a language on a website, cookies do not require consent as it's considered a service requested by the user. However, if the website editor makes decisions about these cookies based on user information, users will be informed and provided the choice to accept or reject them.

Analysis or measurement cookies: They allow the entity responsible for them to track and analyze user behavior on linked websites. The gathered information is used to measure activity on websites, applications, or platforms, and to create browsing profiles for improving user experience based on usage analysis. These cookies are not exempt from the requirement of obtaining informed consent for their usage. Although first-party cookies rarely pose a risk to privacy, users should have the ability to object to their processing or express their rejection.

Advertising or behavioral cookies: Manage advertising spaces on websites or applications by storing information about users' browsing habits to display ads based on their specific profiles.

Cookie management

You can view, allow, block, revoke consent, or delete installed cookies and browsing data on your device by adjusting your browser settings. Remember, if you accept third-party cookies, you must remove them using your browser options. For further details, click the link that matches your browser:

You can also revoke your consent for the use of cookies in your browser by installing a rejection or opt-out system in the browser.

Some third parties provide this rejection through the following links:

Google Analytics opt-out
Opt-out de Cookies flash

Select the option "Clear all sites" or choose the specific website you want to delete and click on "Remove website".

However, bear in mind that if you decide to configure your browser to reject cookies from this website, we may not be able to maintain your preferences necessary to provide the service, and some pages may not be available

Updated: 09/01/2024